What if Star Trek’s Crew Went on Strike?

The science fiction show Star Trek shows a completely self-sufficient, space travelling vessel with a crew of 100 people. Apparently the nominal attitude of the crew is for all to live in perfect harmony under an apparently benign militaristic dictatorship. Also, through some magic of cinema, the vessel has a small energy source that allows it to travel faster than light from one galaxy to another. On occasion, it depletes its energy source but the crew always finds a fresh source on a nearby planet; which they mine. Aside from the occasional adventure, all the crew’s wants and needs seem satisfied.

Some equate Earth to a self-sufficient space ship travelling through space. In some ways it is quite analogous to Star Trek’s Enterprise as the Earth serves as a self-sufficient platform for our species. But, there are differences. Primarily, the Earth has no independent means of propulsion. Rather, due to the coalescence of matter in our solar system about 4.5 billion years ago the Earth is locked in an orbit about the Sun. Given this, we the crew of Earth can never go to a far-away world to mine a replacement energy source. We are stuck in this orbit. Nevertheless, we do have many adventures. Apparently though, as seen in news source, there is still dissatisfaction amongst the people on Earth.

Perhaps we need to look at the Star Trek’s crew a little harder. Are they always satisfied? Or maybe they go on strike sometime. And would they still be content if their energy source depleted when far away from a fresh source? Imagine their food supplies running out because of lack of energy. How do they decide who gets to eat; would the chief engineer get food or would the doctor get food? Now, bring yourself back to Earth. Sure, for now our world can provide for the biological needs of over 7 billion people. But this provision comes through very advanced technology and an appropriation of the existing life cycle. Can this be self-sufficient? We are burning through non-renewable energy sources at an appreciable rate. And even with technology, satisfaction eludes many. Last, what do you think will happen when the crew of space ship Earth discover that their existence is no longer self-sufficient; will harmony reign as we decide who gets to eat and who doesn’t? Can the crew of Earth go on strike?